This has been a different day for me today - a little slower on the work side of things and getting ready for a buddies wedding this weekend. My day started pretty routinely and that all changed at about 9:55 this morning when Roy and I returned from our walk. I am lucky enough to have XM - every morning its the baseball talk shows and when Kasey remembers she changes the channel to the live Glenn Beck show when I'm out on the walk. I came back took Roy's backpack off, gave him breakfast, sat down to look through the emails, and caught the very end of the show where Glenn recaps things and he told a brief overview of an interview with a Navy SEAL and said that the transcript is online - so I pulled up his website and started reading.... I have included it below should the link become inactive . I spent a good deal of the afternoon calling and driving around to find a bookstore that had the book in stock – apparently there are a lot of XM listeners in Boise and there had been a “run” on the stores for the book as one clerk told me. I made sure I caught the replay of the interview this afternoon while I was trying to find a copy of the book. The decisions Marcus and his team were forced to deal with because of rules of engagement in combination with the US/media response if they had killed the herders and that it played a role in a decision that got 3 of our soldiers killed made my blood boil and then the hurt and honesty and honor in his voice choked me up pretty good. There is more that happened today that all seems to be in one way shape or form related to this story and I’m going to post below on that too but read this…and thank God for Heroes like Marcus and his SEAL team, it’s men like these that give their all for the freedoms we enjoy and the freedoms that allow the bulk of the media and politicians to drag them through the mud and make rules on how war is supposed to look - when did it not become about winning?
Interview with Marcus Luttrell, author of Lone Survivor
JUNE 21, 2007
Well, I'm about to introduce you to a guy who has a new book out, it's called Lone Survivor. He was a Navy SEAL. He has a story that he's going to tell you here in the next few minutes that should shock, horrify, and quite honestly just -- it should anger you. I have a very good friend who is in the middle of reading Lone Survivor, he called me up last night it was about 11 o'clock. And I've never heard him like this. He was angry. And he said, "Glenn, I can't believe these weasels in Washington." I'm going to let Marcus Luttrell tell you the story. He's on with us now. Marcus, how are you, sir?
LUTTRELL: Yes, sir, how are you?
GLENN: Very good. You -- take us back to Afghanistan. You are a Navy SEAL. How long have you been a Navy SEAL before 9/11?
LUTTRELL: Almost ten years, sir.
GLENN: Ten years. And so you go over to Afghanistan, and what is your mission?Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10by Marcus Luttrell
LUTTRELL: This particular mission we were a four man sniper watch team sitting on a capture kill task to locate, monitor the activity of a high-ranking Taliban official with known ties to Osama bin Laden. And we were also to pick up further on intelligence about him, coordinating and executing complex tasks against coalition forces in this particular area. It was a -- a remote area near the Paki border that didn't see much play from the US military, and that was our job, sir.
GLENN: Okay. And you go in, Marcus, and this is a very dangerous situation. How many -- how many are around you?
LUTTRELL: Intel were forwarded up to 200.
GLENN: So you're living in the midst of 200 Taliban that are looking to kill you, and there's only four of you, and you're pretty much alone?
LUTTRELL: Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
GLENN: Okay. What happens?
LUTTRELL: We were monitoring our target, didn't have a good visual on -- on -- on the initial site, so we relocated, got a better visual. Couple hours after that we -- came across a (unintelligible) compromise which means we were walked on by some civilians, some Afghani goat herders.
GLENN: Hang on. That means that they just happened upon you. They say you and you're like, oh, crap, now what do we do?
LUTTRELL: Yes, sir. They were out walking the herd. They had about 75 or a hundred goats, when I say they walked on us, I was underneath a tree that had been cut down was burned out I was hiding underneath that with my rifle watching the target and he walked over the tree I was on. So when I heard him above me, when I turned my -- just kind of turned a little bit to look, he looked right down at me, and that's when the compromise took place.GLENN: Okay. And this was a -- this is not a guy carrying a gun, this was not a member of the Taliban, or was it, or what did you think originally?
LUTTRELL: No, sir. He -- he had a -- an axe with him, a wood chopping axe. That's all he had with him. No firearm or anything like that. About three to five minutes later another man walked up the hill, one of my teammates, Matt Axelson, called over to me and said that there was two more coming up, another adult male and a -- about a 13 -- 13-year-old boy. So we took 'em off to the side, set him down on a tree, you know, started interrogating them, tried to give him some food, some water, they didn't want to have anything to do with that. They weren't answering any of our questions, either.
GLENN: You guys -- you speak the language?
LUTTRELL: Yes, sir. And we also have equipment that allows us to communicate with them.
GLENN: Okay.
LUTTRELL: My lieutenant, the officer in charge, he came down from his position and did the best he could also to interrogate them, and -- and they just weren't -- they weren't having it. So --
GLENN: And what were you trying to get -- what kind of information were you trying to get?
LUTTRELL: Basically we were telling them that we were Americans and that they were in danger and asking if they had any -- any -- or knew of anywhere about his of any Taliban sites or cache sites or just basically what their general business was up there, and they weren't answering anything.
GLENN: Now, did you get the feeling at the time it was because they were a part of the Taliban, or friendly, or they were just afraid of you, or why --
LUTTRELL: My -- my feeling after dealing with a lot -- most of -- every operation we had been on, just you can tell when someone doesn't really care for you. And when you look at someone's eyes, whether they -- you know, they like you or they don't. And on top of which they weren't answering any of our questions. And even though the dialect might be a little different in certain areas, still -- you could still understand what we were saying, they weren't having anything to do with us. They were talking among themselves, obviously. We couldn't under -- we couldn't pick it up totally. So the decision was they weren't brandishing firearms, they were, you know, no immediate threat to us except for the fact that if we turned them loose, that, you know, they could obviously go get reinforcements to come back on top of us. We talked about, you know, tying them up and leaving them there, but again that would be just like killing them as well. They had all the goats with them and stuff like that. It's just -- that would have brought more people into our position, and like I said, our job, we were set in for 72 hours to overwatch this target, and with a compromise like that, we were just in a difficult situation. Also dealing with the terrain, there wasn't too many places that we could relocate and evaluate our target so the decision was made to turn 'em loose.
GLENN: Okay, so --
LUTTRELL: I mean we couldn't -- we couldn't --
GLENN: How far --
LUTTRELL: Because of the ROEs, rules of engagement, we have to -- placed upon us and stuff like that, you know, if we would have executed them, you know, we'd have wound up in prison. And it wasn't -- I'd rather -- you know, we'd rather take our -- the decision was to take our chances with -- in a gunfight than take our chances in the court system.
GLENN: And the reason why -- I mean the Taliban, they are actually now carrying mule packhorses and mules loaded with explosives, but our guys cannot stop them or can't shoot them because if they're not carrying a weapon, you can't shoot them, right?
LUTTRELL: Well, you can't even shoot them -- rules of engagement for conventional forces you're not even allowed to shoot 'em if they have a weapon on them. They have to be actively engaging you.
GLENN: Okay. So you guys talked about it and you decided we gotta let 'em go. And was it mainly because of the rules of engagement?
LUTTRELL: Yes, sir.
GLENN: Okay.
LUTTRELL: And, you know, exactly. They -- like I said, they weren't carrying any firearms, and we couldn't keep 'em, you know?
GLENN: Right. And so you guys knew you'd go to prison, why? Because the bodies would be found and then --
LUTTRELL: Eventually the bodies would be found and their IO campaign is a lot better than ours. They support --
GLENN: The IO campaign, what is --
LUTTRELL: Their media campaign.
GLENN: Okay.
LUTTRELL: You know, so eventually it would have been traced back to us. Some -- you'd think it would be impossible but I've seen it happen.
GLENN: So, in other words, what you're saying is they would find the bodies, then they would contact the media, al-Jazeera, al-Jazeera would run how you executed a 13-year-old boy and two -- two other guys, and then it would be tracked back to you, and you would be tried in the media, you'd end up in prison?
LUTTRELL: Yes, sir. That was -- that was the thing about it.
GLENN: Was this just a -- was this just a conversation you guys had? You actually took a vote, right?
LUTTRELL: We got together -- I mean that's one of the unique things about the SEAL team, obviously the officer is overall command and control, I was the team leader and we had Danny and Matt, we were in a unique situation, we got together, and obviously two heads are better than one, three are better than two, so we talked about it and came to the decision that, you know, we aren't murderers, anything about the SEAL team that we don't know about we're not a defensive force, we're an offensive force. When we go in to -- you take the bad guys out to take the fighter -- or to, you know -- to engage, but in this certain situation, it was just unique, that's all I could say. You know, I racked my brain a hundred million times, you know, if we made the right call or not, but we made the call --
GLENN: Okay.
LUTTRELL: -- depending on the rules that we implemented on them.
GLENN: Okay. So now you let them go. How far away are you from your Taliban target?
LUTTRELL: Maybe a little under a click.
GLENN: I don't --
LUTTRELL: Maybe under a mile. A mile.
GLENN: Okay. So you're -- you're a mile away from your target, you let them go. What do you tell them when they let you go, and what is their expression on your face when you say, see you guys later?
LUTTRELL: We turned 'em loose, and they -- they took out. They -- I mean they didn't stick around. And those -- you know, they ask any people, they can move through those mountains quick. It took them about five minutes to walk up a cliff that it took our team to walk up, it took us about 30 to 45 minutes. You know. Because once we turned them loose after about ten minutes I sit there and watched them walk away, and they never looked back. The kid did a couple times and then they were gone. They just disappeared, and then we relocated.GLENN: Okay. Then what happened?
LUTTRELL: About 45 minutes later, about a hundred-plus Taliban militia showed up over the top of our ridge. And my ROT, Michael Murphy, was the first one to -- to spot the -- the combatants. I was on the initial -- we were set up like a triangle on the side of this cliff, so much so we had to dig out the ground below us. We were just basically standing up leaning backwards against a cliff. That's how steep it was, kind of give you an idea. And we actually had an advantage on our target. I had just passed the -- the monitoring equipment down to Matt and pulled my hat down over my eyes. And then I get a whisper from Mikey to -- when I pull my hat up, I look down and, you know, his eyes were as big as sand dollars and he was just like, you know, it's time to get it on. So I rolled over and the first person I saw was a -- was a guy with two RPGs on his back and an AK, and there was a huge pine -- or a huge tree about 20 meters in front of me, and that's what I focused my rifle on, my radical, you know, my snipe -- my scope, and I see a head pop out and the muzzle of an AK. I turned around and looked at Mikey and I was like, it's time to get it on. And then all of the you can just see them flooding the top part of the -- the ridge, and then they were coming down our side.Turned back around, the guy had moved back around the tree. You could hear them yelling. We didn't have an idea of how many there were but just looking at what we were dealing with on top of the ridge was -- was -- I mean it was a multitude of them, sir. Took the first shot at the guy behind the tree. I dumped him, and then that's what, you know, they opened up on us. We were in a -- a tree bed, which provided some cover. Axelson, Matt flanked to the left, Danny was on the radio calling in for reinforcements and also covering our right side and then Mikey, our OIC, he was hanging out in between everybody running back -- because you couldn't hear anything, there was so much gunfire, trying to figure out what was going on, getting information from Mikey. He was like locating up -- talking up my position, telling me to, you know, basically to get it on, because we were getting overrun. And then Axe was flanked out so far that he was covering our left side that Mikey had a long stretch to get -- to get to. Once we started getting overrun, I mean every time we'd -- we'd take somebody down, sir, somebody would fill their position. And they had every one of our -- you know, every angle covered that it was -- it was impossible to take everybody out.
GLENN: All right. We're going to -- I'm going to stop you here for just a second because I have to take a break.
LUTTRELL: Yes, sir. Sorry.GLENN: No, please. We're talking to Marcus Luttrell. He is telling us a story about four SEALs, four Navy SEALs that were in Afghanistan that because of the rules of engagement, let some goat herders that stumbled across them, let them go. I'll tell you now we're at the part of the story where there's over a hundred Taliban now surrounding them. We'll tell you what happened, how many did they kill, and what happens to the four Navy SEALs. And most importantly, they did take a vote on, should we let these goat herders alone? They looked at it and said, my gosh, we'll go to prison if we don't. How did they vote? How did Marcus vote? And who's alive? We'll continue the story here in just a second.
GLENN: Marcus has a new book out. I gave you the name even though it spoils the -- part of the ending of the story. The book is called Lone Survivor, between 150 and 200 Taliban against four Navy SEALs. He hasn't even really gotten to the story yet, and when you see how our hands are tied, you'll understand why the ratings for the president and Congress are as low as they are and why people say, but they misunderstand, why they say, this is all about the war. It is about the war, but it's about the fact -- the reason why we're -- we're looking at these politicians in such contempt and disgust right now is because they are tying our military's hands. And unless you're going to unleash these guys and give 'em a fighting chance, it is immoral to fight a war like this. So let's go back to Marcus. Okay, so the Taliban, they have you surrounded. They -- every time you shoot one, another one takes his place. Then what happens?
LUTTRELL: Excuse me, sir. We lapped it up there for a good while. Like I said we were in some -- a good grove of trees that was providing ample cover and concealment from -- from all the different angles, but eventually they had maneuvered around to where they could -- where they can get in on top of us. I remember gunfire -- strafing underneath my rifle and also came in a tree that had -- had my left shoulder held up against. I looked back at Mikey. I was like what's the call, sir, and he was just like, you know, initial, he was just -- something like that, an ambush like that, you're supposed to rush an ambush. However, two -- two things played into that. One is the fact that it was so seep that we couldn't climb up -- we couldn't rush the ambush and fire at the same time, which was good because we didn't know how many people we were up against. If we'd have come over that ridge --
GLENN: And saw 200.
LUTTRELL: It would have been tough. It would have been a tough fight. But --
GLENN: At what point did you think we're all dead.
LUTTRELL: No, sir.
GLENN: Okay.
LUTTRELL: I didn't. We were doing good. We just --
GLENN: Hello? Hello? We lost him. Somehow or another his phone dropped out. Can you -- Dan, can you call him real quick, get him back on? Get him on the phone again real quick.What's amazing about this story, and you're going to hear, he called for a helicopter, they called for backup. It came. Wait until you hear what happened there. You are going to see in the next few times who our enemy really is, and how much they hate and us what lengths they will do, what lengths they will go through, they will jump any hoop to kill us. It is the story, the goat herders, well, let's just let 'em go, we're your friends, your American. They don't want any part of it. And then you will see in a minute how they manipulate the media and how our troops are literally on the ropes all the time.I -- you know, I really honestly hope that there are people in Washington that are listening right now. I mean listening, not hearing. They -- they say they're on these listening tours. No, they're not. They're to hearing tours. They need to listen to people like this. Marcus?
LUTTRELL: I'm sorry, sir.
GLENN: That's okay. All right, so you can't rush, you've got more people coming. What happens?
LUTTRELL: I look back at -- at Mikey, and I was -- I don't know if you're in this part, but I'm getting shot up pretty good up here, so he said fall back to my position. So when I stood up, I fell completely, you know, I started tumbling, pinballing in between those trees, and so did he. And this was for about 50 meters, if I remember correctly.
GLENN: Now, this is going down a very steep -- I'm guessing rough terrain hill?
LUTTRELL: Yes, sir. In the grove it was -- we were -- we were lucky, it was mostly dirt and trees, so bouncing out of trees wasn't bad but I guess the best way to describe it would be a double black diamond for people who ski.
GLENN: Yeah.
LUTTRELL: So once we came out of the tree line, it kind of lipped, it had a lip, and we took off. And then what we thought was -- was grass and dirt turned out to be boulders and trees that had been shot down and the grass just growing up in between. So Mike and I tumbled down that for -- for another 50 to 70 yards, and finally came into two huge trees that had been cut down that were laying over the top of each other, and we took cover behind that. They came out of the tree line, I mentioned they opened up on us with the RPGs and the mortars.
GLENN: Okay, there's only two of you now. There's just the two of you down there. Where are the other two?
LUTTRELL: Axelson was still off on our left flank, keeping us safe over there. And then Danny was still up in the tree line on the radio calling in for the QRF.
GLENN: What is the QRF.
LUTTRELL: Quick reactionary force, as a backup.
GLENN: All right. How far away --LUTTRELL: -- body that we were going to -- was to come in and take down the target once we visualize our objective.
GLENN: How far away, how many minutes away were they supposed to be?
LUTTRELL: They were about 20 to 30 minutes, sir.
GLENN: And did he give you any indication that he had reached them and that they were on their way?
LUTTRELL: Excuse me. Once -- once Mikey and I had picked up in the trees, Axelson had come tumbling down his side off to the left flank, just like we were down the middle. It was kind of surreal to see just exactly how it was, how hard we fell.
GLENN: Okay, hang on just -- I've gotta take break here. Helicopter is on the way. More on this amazing story, true to life, next.
GLENN: We are spending a few minutes with Marcus Luttrell today. He is -- he's a former Navy SEAL. He was on a -- he was on a mission to target and monitor a -- a high-ranking Taliban official. They were undercover. They were hidden. They were stumbled upon by a couple of goat herders and a 13-year-old boy, Afghanis. They decided to take a vote, do we kill them, or do we let them go? He said that they could feel it, they could see it in their eyes they had contempt for the Americans. And they took a vote. And they decided -- and it was a close vote. They decided that they couldn't kill 'em because if they did kill them, they were so good, the Taliban was so good at manipulating our media that it would turn into a firestorm and then it would be a political witch hunt, and these four SEALs would go to prison, and they said they'd rather -- they'd rather die trying to fight these guys than go to prison. So they let the goat herders go. The goat herders then leave. Forty-five minutes later, there's about 200 Taliban that are surrounding our four Navy SEALs. They are holding strong. All four of them are still alive at this point. And they are now down kind of in a bottom of a ravine and a giant cliff next at them, and the Taliban is everywhere. They have called for reinforcements, and the helicopter is on the way. It's about supposedly 20 to 30 minutes away. Welcome Marcus Luttrell again to the program. Okay, so Marcus, you're down at the hill, the helicopter is on the way. What happens next?
LUTTRELL: No, sir. Actually what happened was, when Danny -- he had been shot a couple times while he was trying to make radio communications with our QRF, so they didn't -- once he came tumbling down, he was the last man to come down the mountain, he tumbled right into me, actually, and asked him, did you get the call off and he was no, so we didn't have any reinforcements at that time. So --
GLENN: You still had -- you still had the radio?
LUTTRELL: No, sir. No, sir, we didn't. Basically we just kind of set up shop behind these two trees -- or that had fallen down and were firing back up at the enemy. We tried to maneuver to get to the high ground a couple of times to get advantage, but they just stacked up and pushed us back down. And the only way we could go then was about a 40-foot drop-off. So one by one we just kind of dumped off, which was probably the toughest part because it -- we hit a grove of bushes and fell an extra ten feet and then they came in over the top of us and Danny got hit a couple more times right then. We got -- we maneuvered our way out of the -- out of the little ravine there and back up into the -- onto the -- into the middle of the draw to continue the fight. We were bounding back and forth, they were still unloading on us with RPGs and -- and mortars. We had separated to either side of each -- each cliff there, and what was so hard about it was that like a guy would walk about ten feet and then you'd -- he'd just disappear, you know, off a boulder or behind a ridge, so we didn't really have line of sight with each other the whole time, which is -- is not really the way we do business.But we did the best we could. And one by one, you know, everyone just kept getting shot. There was -- there was one particular time when Danny and I were together, he had taken about four or five rounds into the body, one through his lung, one had blown his thumb off. That's the reason he can't -- he had to give up the radio, because it was shot out of his hand. He and I were standing there, I was trying to maneuver back, and then a Taliban militia came over a rock, a ledge, he had us dead to rights. And then Axelson took him out about 20 yards over my left shoulder. We started maneuvering back, and then one by one, Danny was the -- was the first guy we lost. Just -- I'm sorry, sir.
GLENN: That's all right.
LUTTRELL: We -- you know, we kept moving the best we could. We just -- inevitably we were running low on ammo. They had come underneath us from the village that we were monitoring so they had us in a 360 degree pen, so no matter where we hide or any kind of location we'd set up in to take the enemy on, it was just -- they had a clear shot on us. Matt and I had positioned ourself on the left ridge. He had taken a round to the head and walked down towards me, and then I looked up and that's when I saw our OIC walk out into the middle of the draw there onto a rock, the highest point he could get to, break out our phone, and make communications back to our base for the QRF. He took at least one round that I know of to the back, if not two, it kind of dumped him over, he continued with the phone call, hung up the phone, grabbed his rifle, and went back to fighting. And then he flanked left behind some rocks. I couldn't see him anymore. Matt had worked his way past me, and we were -- we were -- all three of us were on the left side. Mikey was engaging the enemy as hard as he could, and then he just -- he was just overrun. Because once you fell down past a certain point, there was no way we could get back up to reinforce each other. You understand what I'm saying?
LUTTRELL: It was just -- it was too steep. And that's -- you know, I lost Mikey, and it was just Matt and I. We had worked our way down underneath a little embankment, and there was another log that was kind of giving us multiple cover. Matt had broken out his med kit and tried to bandage up where he had been hit in the head, and I just remember he and I were sitting underneath there. He didn't even have it over the wound actually. He was kind of -- he was still coherent, he was still talking to me, but, you know, we knew -- we knew that was pretty much it. We were -- we were done for, we were outta ammo by then. And that's the only problem was we were such a small unit that we weren't set up to take on a -- that's not our job to take on a force like that. We're to go in and out and then that's it.
GLENN: What was your -- what was your conversation like? The two of you.
LUTTRELL: It was -- it was comical at first, you know, it was like -- I was like yeah, I think we're going to -- you know, we're going to freaking die here bro, and he was like yeah, looks like this is a good spot, you know, I mean -- I was evaluating his wounds, I was a medic, and he was just like, you know -- he -- he knew, you know, he was like, you know, stay alive, was like telling me life all over and keep going. And then a RPG -- about that time an RPG had come into our position and hit that tree and this other thing and flew -- it blew me out and back over this ridge. And I was knocked out then, sir. When I -- when I came to, I was upside down and paralyzed from the waist down. I couldn't even feel my legs. So I rolled over, my rifle was laying there next to me, I grabbed my rifle, I belly crawled about 20 to 30 meters into the side of the mountain and wedged myself in between these rocks, covered myself from the waist up with rocks. My legs were mangled into these trees. I took some mud and packed into the -- into the heavy bleeders that I had in my leg and tried to pull out some of the frag from the RPG, but just wasn't happening. I waited, heard the Taliban move down into the -- into the ravine, you know, I could tell they were getting close. They were doing a lot of recon by fire trying to flush me out. They knew how many of us there were, and they could only find three of us, so it was an avid hunt for me all day. I stayed blocked in that position for, I don't know, hours, six, seven hours, without moving. And then you could see our helicopters and stuff flying overhead, some A-10, but none of them were coming into our valley. They were going -- they'd fly in through -- in through our open airspace but then they'd go over to a different part of the -- the mountain, and I didn't understand why. I tried to turn on my beacon on my radio so they could get a fix on me, but it just wasn't happening. From all the dirt from the RPGs and just from the -- the constant fighting, you know, my tongue had a -- I had been so dehydrated my tongue was stuck to the roof of my mouth and my mouth was -- I couldn't talk basically is what I was trying to say, so I baited there all day until initially I started getting the feeling back in my legs. In the failing sun I could see a glisten off a far canyon wall. I mean I could hear them running over the dirt rocks fair over my head from where they were running over the top, I could hear them yelling. And I looked into my reticle, and there was a guy standing there with a silver AK, right beside a rock. I took a shot, I dumped him, there were two more guys had run up obviously I was suppressed and in this canyon so they didn't have any idea where I was at, I was covered up pretty good. They hit behind the wrong side of the rock. So I dumped those two guys, and stood up and started walking towards -- I didn't have any maps or -- or compass or go to sleep or anything. My pants had been blown off. So I kind of just used the sun for a cardinal bearing and then started walking through the mountains trying to get out of there, to a military base to find some help. I walked all night. Actually up and down -- I crawled up and down that mountain like three or four -- three times, and I stepped off of it completely twice that I know of, I took about a 150-foot fall once, I could hear aircraft overhead, I was hit -- hit my beacon, everything I could do to signal this aircraft where I was at.
GLENN: Okay, Marcus I've gotta take a break. We're running so far behind. Let me just -- let me just stop you here for a second. The story, I mean we've just scratched the surface on this story. You are a remarkable human being. And I -- I mean this with every bit in me. Thank you for everything that you and the guys like you do. We have so much faith and so much confidence in you. You are truly, truly amazing.But there's more to the story, there's more to tell, and there's a real message that people in America need to hear. We'll be back in just a second.
GLENN: Marcus Luttrell. He is a Navy SEAL that was in Afghanistan, in harm's way, lost his team. He was alone. We're now at a point there -- I mean there's -- Marcus, there is just so much to your story. I have never -- I don't think I've ever done this in my career. I've been in radio for 30 years. But I can't -- I just can't end the story here, and I know you can't do anything next hour. Can I ask you to come back and instead of butchering and summarizing the story and the lessons that you've learned can I ask you to come back and spend another hour with me tomorrow at this same time?
LUTTRELL: Yes, sir. It would be my pleasure, sir.
GLENN: Because there's -- I mean this is a -- I mean I have friends who are reading your book -- I'm sorry to say I haven't read it yet. I have friends who are reading your book and they are on me like white on rice saying, Glenn, you've gotta read this book. This -- I can't -- I mean I had a guy call me last nine, 11 o'clock last night, said Glenn, I'm going to have another sleepless night. I cannot put this book down. And it's called Lone Survivor. But there's so much more to cover, including when you are with a tribe from Afghanistan, and you had -- you pulled the pin out of the grenade and you're thinking if these guys are bad guys I'm just going to let go and we're all going to die together. We'll tell that story tomorrow.Let me ask you two quick questions. You still a Navy -- I only have 30 seconds. I'm not even going to ask you that. Luttrell, I'll talk to you -- I'll talk to you tomorrow at the same time, all right?
LUTTRELL: Yes, sir.
GLENN: Thank you very much, sir.
LUTTRELL: Yes, sir.
GLENN: I'm sorry to do that to you, audience, I really thought we could get through it more, but I didn't -- I wanted him to tell the story the way he's telling the story. And there's so much more here. Listen, if you missed any of the story, free transcript will be available later today at You'll be able to read the story. The audio will be up there for the insiders. Please pass this on to all of your friends. Show them the transcript, and tell them to do one of two things, either listen tomorrow, or go out and buy the book Lone Survivor. The message should be heard. So please pass this on to your friends. The transcript available in a few hours at
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