Sunday, January 29, 2006

Regarding Stupid

As to not Hi-jack a friend's blog please use this post as a forum for any discussion regarding my following response, addressing the John Stuart Mill quote posted on . ( <-- click on link for post with quote)

Below, my response - in brackets - to the J.S.M. quote and its adoption by the "herd" (can you say moo?) as commented on the above linked blog.

["If you're not a liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you're 35, you have no brain."
- This has been questionably attributed to Winston Churchill - opinion varies on its origin, but I am sure we are all familiar with it.

I understand many of you reading this will not really get it. Ten years from now, after you get out of the propaganda crammed into your brain via "scruel" * and then if you could pay your taxes in one lump sum just once - on your own then you will begin to grasp part of this concept. Some of you may never have the opportunity to do so - many will not expend the effort to do so. Please feel free to open this discussion on my blog as I do not want to hi-jack Phil’s – unless he warrants it, try not to use any talking points - they show a lack of real knowledge of the issue.
* (google it connected to Rush Limbaugh for those of you in “Rio Linda”- please note I could insert a direct link but if you are too lazy to find it on your own that may be a confirmation of a lack of true concern regarding evaluation of information)]

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Hi my name is Kanye West, I'm a MORON

So the latest and far from greatest on a ... sub-human ... of pop culture. As we all know Kanye West called President Bush a racist a few months back while "trying" to help raise relief money for Hurricane Katrina. If unfamiliar with this event educate yourself and you will recognize this as just one of his many public displays of his lack of intelligence.

Now he has posed on the latest Rolling Stone as Christ. Hmmm.... wonder what he's trying to say. West insists he has a lot in common with Christ since he had to fight for recognition and suffer for all his success. Should we laugh? Maybe we should all help him cry because life is so tough for him?
C'mon now is there any doubt how much of a moron this guy is?

I tried - I mean I really tried to muster up some tears for him.... didn't happen. So the only thing this genius warrants is possibly to be mocked publicly. I suppose that’s what he means when he says he's a lot like Christ in that people mock him. The difference here as informed folks know is that Christ was mocked by fools - Kanye is mocked because he IS a fool.

Oh, wait, wait... its tears - tears because I'm laughing so hard, ha, ha, ha! - seriously - All I've got for this guy is a kick in the ass. See illustration...

Friday, January 20, 2006

Do, do, do, lookin' out my backdoor

I spent 6 hours plowing snow at the family's place in the mts north of town Tuesday night. I drove in with about 14 inches on the ground - it came up to the bottom of the truck. We plow with a 4-wheeler w/ a blade on the front that we use. The only problem is 14 inches of snow weighs alot, so I spent a good deal of the evening and early morning pulling the 4-wheeler out of the snow when it got stuck. After doing this for a few hours I began to wish I had a CAT like when I worked at Camp Perkins after college. This made me dig through the photos trying to find a photo of the CAT and I ended up spending a few hours looking through photos - more photos of a "this day in history" of my life is coming soon... Also thought I would share my view from the porch when I woke up after the night of plowing.

Thursday, January 12, 2006


I'm not big on TV -But this Show really hooked me. Check it out-Sunday 8/7 central.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Does Bono Really Love America?

So... It seems to be the time of the year that folks are reflecting on this past year. Music seems to be the theme in one of my circles of friends blogs.The past year has provided me with quite a few new opportunities/experiences. One of my goals this year was to checkout shows of my favorite Singers/bands - start working through the list. Lyle Lovett in June, Jack Johnson in August, and the final show of the American U2 tour in Portland right before Christmas. Lyle was great - best show I've seen to date. Jack was solid, the crowd was a little off, and U2- formally my #1 rock band of all time-sucked. U2 was a total let down, or I should correctly say Bono sucked. That's right; Bono, Nobel Prize nominee, human rights advocate, philanthropist supposed lover of America... About five songs into the set Bono walks to the front of the stage and is handed two Flags-one Irish and one American. Holding both he goes back to a center Speaker and drapes 1st the Irish flag over the amp. second the American flag. he lays the flag down upside down. I think - huh he says he loves America - must be a mistake. Nope, he walks to the mic, pauses, and returns to the flag, lifts it up for the crowd to see that it is upside down and places it once again upside down on the speaker... Following this Bono pulls a girl - maybe 10 or 12 years old on the stage and proceeds to lead her in an antiwar chant while discussing the Serbian conflict w/ rhetoric of today's liberal talking points addressing the war in Iraq. And of course, the overwhelmingly left crowd cheers... I ask myself what is more pathetic, the ignorance of the vast majority of the crowd that does not really know the historical references being used as an illustration - paired with the knee jerk response to a liberal talking point (evidenced by the response - the link from the Serb conflict was not accurate to the current Iraq war tie). Or is it more despicable that one as familiar with recent history would use an innacurate tactic exploiting a child, paired w/ a leftist talking point.
So my conclusion is this Bono is a whore. He sits the fence and/or gives the right responses to the given audience to gain their acceptance and money for his charities. At first glance his interests seem positive, but how many more inconsistencies are there. Some have suggested Bono the Antichrist-there are always these witchhunts and I don't care to be a part of that. I can say that I know what I saw and I saw Bono as an anti-American whore. As Bono says I wont spend any more of my "hard earned cash on a U2 show" again.